Coach Patrick Smith

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How does meditation help my performance?

You’ve probably heard a lot about how focus and concentration are essential in sports, but what if I told you that meditation can be a powerful way to boost both? When we talk about sports psychology, meditation plays a huge role in helping athletes like you perform at your best.

I know when I was trying to go pro, I had mixed feelings about meditation. It seemed kind of vague, and I wasn't sure how it connected to improving performance. Here's what I wish I knew back then about how meditation can make a difference in your sport.

What is Meditation and Why Should Athletes Care?

When I mention meditation here, I'm talking about practices designed to help you focus on the present moment. You might hear it called mindfulness or present moment awareness, but whatever the name, the goal is the same: training your mind to stay in the "now." In sports, missing those fleeting opportunities because your mind is stuck in the past or worrying about the future can cost you big time.

Being fully present means you’re ready to make the split-second decisions that can win games, whether it's reacting to a defender, spotting a scoring chance, or adjusting to the game situation in real time. But how does meditation help with that?

How Meditation Builds Focus and Concentration

Let’s break it down with an example of a meditation technique that I use called a "scan." In sports psychology, especially in Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT), we use scanning to help athletes become aware of their present experience. It’s simple. Start by noticing your breath—how it moves in and out of your body, how your chest rises and falls. Then, expand your attention to other physical sensations and what’s happening around you. 

As thoughts about the future or past pop up (which they will), you gently bring your attention back to the present moment. Over time, this practice improves your ability to stay focused, especially when it counts. The more you practice, the more automatic this focus and concentration become.

Meditation in Action: Spotting Opportunities in the Moment

Think about a time during a game when you missed something important—maybe your body was signaling it needed food or water, but your mind was elsewhere. I used to make this mistake a lot. I’d get so caught up thinking about the next match or the last play that I’d forget to hydrate or eat properly, which led to poor performance when it mattered most. 

The signs my body was giving me were there, but I wasn’t paying attention because my focus was scattered. Meditation would have helped me tune in to what my body needed at that moment. The more you practice being present, the easier it becomes to notice those signs and take action when it matters.

Meditation is a Game-Changer

Just like practicing your sport-specific skills, meditation trains your mind to stay in the moment. And in sports, staying present gives you an edge by making it easier to spot those brief opportunities that can change the outcome of a game. 

One of the best things about the scan technique is that you can practice it anywhere, anytime. And here’s the most important part: be kind to yourself when your mind drifts. It happens! The key is bringing yourself back to the now, over and over again.

Want to Learn More?

If you're ready to give meditation a try or want to learn more ways to sharpen your focus and concentration, reach out to me for a guided session or more tips on building your present moment awareness. 

Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a meaningful day!