Context for This Page
Prior to completing my masters degree in psychology, I was coaching endurance athletes on how to train their physiology. I worked mostly with remote clients and so a big part of my work was to understand wearable exercise sensors and how to use the data. I wrote a blog post about a novel way to analyze surface muscle oxygen (SmO2) concentration data from a new category of near-infrared wearable sensors(NIRS). The data isn’t as intuitive to interpret as simple metrics like speed or bicycle power.
I built a few analysis tools for others to extend the work using the cycling software WKO.
That post and tool is still surprisingly popular today so I continue to keep the post and files (hosted on google drive) available for those who want it. If the embedded widget on this page isn’t working this link to the Google Drive Folder should.
If you are one of those people and are interested in collaborating, email me so we can explore the opportunity.